Monday 11 March 2013

Pre-Production Process Evaluation

Pre-Production Evaluation – Bobby Tait

The task set, was to create a drama television series based on whatever topic we wanted. One of the stages to creating this was to draft a 10 minute extract from any episode we have written. I had many ideas for creating this T.V. show, and decided to let my imagination run free with certain topics that I feel I have a wide knowledge about.

Out of all the ideas I had, the action to take would be to depict the ideas that I feel had the most potential, and carry them forward into making the show. To pick these apart, I had various categories in which I placed each idea. For example my idea about a police detective would come under “crime series”, although this idea was never carried forward, I had many others to choose from, keeping in mind different aspects of each genre I had to include. An example of this would, for my idea about basing it on a footballer, I had to take into account the other players that are also characters, as well as the name of the club that it was fixated on to be prevalent throughout the series.

The brief consisted of me explaining my influences and reasoning for picking this idea of a footballer’s drama, called “Kick-Off!”. The brief also gave information about the topic of episodes as well as the running order of them, as I wanted to create a storyline than was linear and cohesive through-out the series.
After the brief was given, I created a questionnaire, to try and gain some knowledge about how fellow scholars, adults and peers felt about certain aspects of a T.V. series. I decided to ask them various questions relating to the amount of time they spend watching television, and if so which channel and so on, as I wanted to try and delegate my series to the appropriate channel, target audience and certain aspects of the storyline, for example for the protagonists to suffer, rejoice or to have learned a lesson from the episode. This was an effective resource to have as it allowed me to try and maximise the viewing of the series and brought to the light that the time in which the series was shown, would relate entirely to the target audience. To show my findings, I created a number of graph relating to each of the questions, and pragmatically shown and analysed them in my coursework.

My initial idea of the storyline was written to a focus group enlightenment to what kind of narrative would take place during my series, and with constructive feedback, would be greatly enhanced and more appealing to a more vast but appropriate audience.

Existing scripts of famous and popular television shows were a great researching device that I used, as it allowed me to see how a professional television script was structured, written and presented. As I researched three individual scripts from three different programmes,  it allowed me to compare and contrast between prevalent elements in each script, and annotate adequately enough to base my later draft on.
Furthermore, the next version of my script held the appropriate aspects that I had researched and enabled me to cut out any unnecessary aspects of the original one. After this was completed, further research into watching and analysing a television drama, to make notes upon various aspects such as the Mise en scene of the piece as well as focal points of cinematography.

Noting on the progression of my series, another focus group was called upon, to answer the questions 
relating to my series, with given background and knowledge of the foundation on my series, allowing them to comment upon certain characters personality and weather they fit with the show. This was a useful tool to have at my disposal, as it gave the focus group a chance to inform from a more specific and noteworthy viewpoint. All answers and feedback were took into great consideration and explored deeply before I progressed with the Pre-Production stage.

Internet research into the generic conventions of scripts and screenplays were carried out to enhance my script to the appropriate adequacy. This guided me to including the correct Font, layout and other aspects of creating a script.

The third draft of my script had to be a collaboration of all my findings from my research from focus groups as well as the internet research I carried out. With this in mind, the focus group commented on the character of ‘Jamie’, to be a naïve character, which was not the intended representation, so adjustments took place.
To ensure that the script made sense and was able to be followed appropriately, the task at hand was to find out whether it would be as effective coming to life in front of me, rather than just on paper. So I decided to call on a couple of befriended actors to read out the script and dictate what further adjustments were needed. This was a great exercise to undertake as it pointed out certain points of dialogue that needed to be changing, as well as some stage directions that needed to be added, to be a successful script.

The final version of the script was made by tweaking the points expressed in the “acting out” stage, as well as final adjustments of my own that I did not feel comfortable with. For example, a confrontational scene was taken from the script as I feel it held no significance to the outcome of the storyline. Thus, the final script draft was produced.

Internet research, peer assessment and other research methods were substantial when in the process of creating the script, as it allowed me to learn from various pit-falls and mis-haps when writing it on my own. In depth research is paramount when writing a script like this as without it, it would appear to be unprofessional, misleading, or it may appear not to make sense. Although various parts of the research had to be carefully annotated and developed extensively before including them, as the information may be unreliable.

To evaluate my own process, I would have to state that certain deadlines were difficult to meet, but in order to create an effective and efficient script, hard work took place. Contrasting opinions’ were hard to consider, as far as the focus group questionnaires were concerned, as I had to become completely unbiased, and take into account useful feedback, to depict it from the norm in order to enhance my Pre-Production process.

Monday 18 February 2013

new 5th draft

Ep.1 Ser.1 – Jamie.
(Int. JAMIE arrives at football training in his Mercedes. Jamie is a Caucasian 24 year old male, with a Rolex watch and diamond ear studs. He is wearing a custom made Gucci suit, carrying a professional briefcase, steps out and walks towards the ground, walking past dozens of less expensive and less flash cars)

(Jamie is the last person to arrive at the meeting room; everyone stares for a while, as Jamie looks troubled)
Alright lads?

(Huge cheer and all team surround him)
(Jamie appears caught off guard, and does not know what is occurring)

(BARRY rises through out the crowd of suit-wearing team, with an expression of surprise. Barry Is singled out from the team as he is the only one in the football strip, and rushes over to jamie as he is his closest companion)

(Whilst thrusting and grinding)
Congratulations mate! I see you have finally got on the score sheet!
(All team sport a cheeky cheer)

All Team

Get Lost!
(still looking troubled, shrugs off his jacket and walks towards the bar)
(They all crowd around Jamie)

(TERRY, is the recently transferred legend at the football club, due to recent troubles within the squad he had to moved from the team. He holds a vengeful grudge and because of his compelling stature and chiselled goatee, he overpowers the nature of the team.)

Oi Oi! Whats with the boat race, I thought you’d be up in adams cause yer avin a little chavvy!
(Jamie draws a nickel plated .44 magnum handgun from his waist, fires towards the camera – back into the crowd of players. When the shot fires, the screen shoots to black, and a thud from the sound of a body droping to the floor, Ext.)

(Int. Camera pans from meeting room to changing room, all the team are mocking Jamie)

I’m surprised you actually had it in ya!

Oh thanks/

Is what you should have said to her!

All Team
(Manager enters and everybody retreats to their stations, a hushed tone is ensued)

(MIKE, the team manager, is a middle aged rotund bearded Caucasian male, whom has a joyous outlook on life and is serious when it comes to football. Usually found in sruffed suits and training gear.)

ALRIGHT LADS, settle down now, we’ve got a lot of work to do today, and we can’t have this foolishness getting in the way…now (continues rambling)
(Whilst mike is talking, Nick leans over to Jamie and begins to whisper something)

(NICK, is the recent addition to the squad, moving from REAL BETIS, his real name is, Nichail Todorov (SERBIAN), and has a cunning plot against the protagonist, Jamie. He has a scar that strikes through his right eye, and has multiple tribal tattoo’s around his body)

You got it?

(looking down, suspicious) No, I told you not yet, I’m doing my best.

I told you three days, it’s been four

I can’t give you something I haven’t got

(begins to get closer to Jamie’s face, and intimidates him extremely)
Then you shouldn’t borrow something you can’t pay back. Now you know where you can get it, you know where to drop it off, and you know when to do it, so I suggest you do it tonight, or for every day your late, I’ll take a finger from your mother’s hand, if I run out fingers I’ll take toes, and if I run out of toes I can/

OI! Are you listening or what?

(only nicks attention is directed at Mike, but he still can talk to Jamie)
Say you’re sorry

Sorry Boss

(To Jamie) you. Outside. Now.
(Camera pans to the corridor, and finds Mike and Jamie discussing)
What the fuck was all that ab
out in there? You looked as white as a shite.

I know boss, it’s just that.../

I mean, I know you’re not the kind of sort to say boo to a goose, but Jesus lad, it looks like the goose has crawled up your backside and stayed there!

If you’ll just let me explain gaffer

Go on then son, I’m all ears

Well you see, I have this predicament, and if I’m not out of it anytime soon then I’m done here. I’m done in this club, the career, the country, just I have to get out of it/

Whoa! Whoa! lad calm down, tell me what’s happened.

I can’t boss, I just can’t

If that Nick fella is giving you any grief, just let me know son and he’s out, you came through the academy anyways and he’s only on loan from Real Betis or whatever the fuck you wanna call ‘em

No, it’s not, I mean, it wasn’t, just, can I miss today sir? I promise I’ll put 200 in tomorrow?

Go on lad get out of here, make sure you’re alright, in fact have the week off, I’ll see at the game on Saturday

Cheers Boss
(Jamie runs down the corridor and slams through the fire exit doors, one door falls closed, sound of American tyres screeching; close up of Mike, showing a face of disappointment)
Shot from inside changing room, all players are conversing except Nick, who awaits the door.
The door opens and in walks mike
(Mike walks slowly to middle of the room, whilst he and nick exchange dirty looks, a short silence follows)

(In a disheartened tone) alright lads, let’s get out there.

(Int. Still shot of Jamie’s house, re car drives past, panning the camera shot into the front room)
(Alex; a 22 year old woman who is Jamie girlfriend, is asleep in the living room, covered in an array of trash on the sofa)

Right, up

(jumping up and bouncy)
What baby? Ooh you were good last night!

We got a fucking issue on our hands

(hands on approach to Jamie)
Oooh I love it when you’re angry!

Just shut the fuck up alright! I need some space, go clean something, or have sex with something, (increasingly getting agitated) or better yet just FUCK OFF.

Fine, I might just go to my mums today or I might go for a swim I’m not sure, what’s your mum doing today baaaabe?

Its fuck all to do with you, now just leave me alone.

Oh. Well is this about me telling the team that I’m pregnant?

(slowly looks round to Alex in a dumbfounded expression)
Wha, you did what?

Yeah, Nick came round earlier, looking for you, so I said you went out already

What happened then?

He just left

Hang on; why you would tell him you’re pregnant

Cause I am? Stoopid.

And you told the whole team?

Yeah why?

Who else have you got to tell?

Well your mum when I next see her (mutters to self) erm my parents and family (mutters again) you when you get back from training, your brothers, my boss/

Wait what was that middle one?

(Realising what she’s done and begins to slow speech down)
You when you get back from training…

I’m so sorry! I was gonna wait till y’/

So the whole team new, before I did?

Well yeah bu/

Including nick?

Obviously but you gotta realize that/

The very same fucking bastard who has kidnapped my fucking mother?!
And he was here today?! Right we’re gone, get a bag, we’re off.

He’s do’..? wha? (begins to overreact and play on the melodrama of the situation) oh my god oh my god oh my god!

Be quiet for fucks sake, just get in the car.

But where will we go?

Leave that to me.
                          (Shot to Black)           

(pan of a golden seaside, with a long shot of Jamie and alex walking away from the camera in an intimate posture.
Alex stops and looks out on to the horizon, Jamie compels her to carry on, but she rejects)

Come on, we’ve got to keep walking.

But, can we not see where that would take us?

How would we get there?


Well its ridiculous, come on, weve not got much time

Okay, your right...again (with subtle anger)

Look im sorry, but I got us into this mess, please don’t stop me from trying to get us out?

I suppose (happy again) Where are we going?

Ill figure that out later..

(fade out)

Kick Off! - 5th Draft

Ep.1 Ser.1 – Jamie.
(Int. Jamie arrives at football training in his Mercedes. Low camera shot from rear left wheel, door opens, well dressed male steps out and walks towards the ground, walking past dozens of less expensive and less flash cars)

(Jamie is the last person to arrive at the meeting room; everyone stares for a while, as Jamie looks troubled)
Alright lads?

(Huge cheer and all team surround him)
(Jamie appears caught off guard, and does not know what is occurring)

(Whilst thrusting and grinding)
Congratulations mate! I see you have finally got on the score sheet!
(All team sport a cheeky cheer)

All Team

Get Lost!
(still looking troubled, shrugs off his jacket and walks towards the bar)
(They all crowd around Jamie)

Oi Oi! Whats with the boat race, I thought you’d be up in adams cause yer avin a little chavvy!
(Jamie draws a nickel plated .44 magnum handgun from his waist, fires towards the camera – back into the crowd of players. When the shot fires, the screen shoots to black, and a thud from the sound of a body droping to the floor, Ext.)

(Int. Camera pans from meeting room to changing room, all the team are mocking Jamie)

I’m surprised you actually had it in ya!

Oh thanks/

Is what you should have said to her!

All Team
(Manager enters and everybody retreats to their stations, a hushed tone is ensued)

ALRIGHT LADS, settle down now, we’ve got a lot of work to do today, and we can’t have this foolishness getting in the way…now (continues rambling)
(Whilst mike is talking, Nick leans over to Jamie and begins to whisper something)

You got it?

(looking down, suspicious) No, I told you not yet, I’m doing my best.

I told you three days, it’s been four

I can’t give you something I haven’t got

(begins to get closer to Jamie’s face, and intimidates him extremely)
Then you shouldn’t borrow something you can’t pay back. Now you know where you can get it, you know where to drop it off, and you know when to do it, so I suggest you do it tonight, or for every day your late, I’ll take a finger from your mother’s hand, if I run out fingers I’ll take toes, and if I run out of toes I can/

OI! Are you listening or what?

(only nicks attention is directed at Mike, but he still can talk to Jamie)
Say you’re sorry

Sorry Boss

(To Jamie) you. Outside. Now.
(Camera pans to the corridor, and finds Mike and Jamie discussing)
What the fuck was all that ab
out in there? You looked as white as a shite.

I know boss, it’s just that.../

I mean, I know you’re not the kind of sort to say boo to a goose, but Jesus lad, it looks like the goose has crawled up your backside and stayed there!

If you’ll just let me explain gaffer

Go on then son, I’m all ears

Well you see, I have this predicament, and if I’m not out of it anytime soon then I’m done here. I’m done in this club, the career, the country, just I have to get out of it/

Whoa! Whoa! lad calm down, tell me what’s happened.

I can’t boss, I just can’t

If that Nick fella is giving you any grief, just let me know son and he’s out, you came through the academy anyways and he’s only on loan from Real Betis or whatever the fuck you wanna call ‘em

No, it’s not, I mean, it wasn’t, just, can I miss today sir? I promise I’ll put 200 in tomorrow?

Go on lad get out of here, make sure you’re alright, in fact have the week off, I’ll see at the game on Saturday

Cheers Boss
(Jamie runs down the corridor and slams through the fire exit doors, one door falls closed, sound of American tyres screeching; close up of Mike, showing a face of disappointment)
Shot from inside changing room, all players are conversing except Nick, who awaits the door.
The door opens and in walks mike
(Mike walks slowly to middle of the room, whilst he and nick exchange dirty looks, a short silence follows)

(In a disheartened tone) alright lads, let’s get out there.

(Int. Still shot of Jamie’s house, re car drives past, panning the camera shot into the front room)
(Alex; a 22 year old woman who is Jamie girlfriend, is asleep in the living room, covered in an array of trash on the sofa)

Right, up

(jumping up and bouncy)
What baby? Ooh you were good last night!

We got a fucking issue on our hands

(hands on approach to Jamie)
Oooh I love it when you’re angry!

Just shut the fuck up alright! I need some space, go clean something, or have sex with something, (increasingly getting agitated) or better yet just FUCK OFF.

Fine, I might just go to my mums today or I might go for a swim I’m not sure, what’s your mum doing today baaaabe?

Its fuck all to do with you, now just leave me alone.

Oh. Well is this about me telling the team that I’m pregnant?

(slowly looks round to Alex in a dumbfounded expression)
Wha, you did what?

Yeah, Nick came round earlier, looking for you, so I said you went out already

What happened then?

He just left

Hang on; why you would tell him you’re pregnant

Cause I am? Stoopid.

And you told the whole team?

Yeah why?

Who else have you got to tell?

Well your mum when I next see her (mutters to self) erm my parents and family (mutters again) you when you get back from training, your brothers, my boss/

Wait what was that middle one?

(Realising what she’s done and begins to slow speech down)
You when you get back from training…

I’m so sorry! I was gonna wait till y’/

So the whole team new, before I did?

Well yeah bu/

Including nick?

Obviously but you gotta realize that/

The very same fucking bastard who has kidnapped my fucking mother?!
And he was here today?! Right we’re gone, get a bag, we’re off.

He’s do’..? wha? (begins to overreact and play on the melodrama of the situation) oh my god oh my god oh my god!

Be quiet for fucks sake, just get in the car.

But where will we go?

Leave that to me.
                          (Shot to Black)           

(pan of a golden seaside, with a long shot of Jamie and alex walking away from the camera in an intimate posture.
Alex stops and looks out on to the horizon, Jamie compels her to carry on, but she rejects)

Come on, we’ve got to keep walking.

But, can we not see where that would take us?

How would we get there?


Well its ridiculous, come on, weve not got much time

Okay, your right...again (with subtle anger)

Look im sorry, but I got us into this mess, please don’t stop me from trying to get us out?

I suppose (happy again) Where are we going?

Ill figure that out later..

(fade out)