Wednesday 14 November 2012

My Results!

The following are the results graphs and comments on my questionnaire that was completed by random selection of people, to get others peoples views on what they like, when they watch, and how they see television, with questions answered to help me on my structuring of my T.V. Drama series.

From this graph I can see that out of the 6 genres of television given in the questionnaire, that comedy was the most popular, with 9 votes, with ‘music’ and ‘horror’ were a close second both receiving 6 votes. Although ‘Non-Ficton’ being the least popular with no votes. I now know on what genre to base my series on, but also being versatile with it and adding features of other genres as well as comedy elements.

I then went on to ask if the title of the show, along with the synopsis, would gain viewers on no other action than them being informed that it was about a football team engaging in everyday dilemmas and activities. 90% of the group who answered agreed that it would. This compels me to put a lot of detail into the description of the show, just to give that extra information that they may or may not find out whilst watching the show, without giving away too much information about a certain episode.

As you can see, the majority of the group believes that the name of the show should be called “Kick-Off”. That is now the decided name of the show!

Most people feel that the show should be aimed at people of an age that they will begin to act more independently, about the late teens/early twenties. But I also feel that this show could impact upon people of a much later age, so I shall try and cater for a variety of requirements, much like that “Genre” scenario.
I can see from this evidence that most of the group watch television most frequently between 2-6 hours per week. I can deduce that they have their favourite programmes and channels that they watch regularly, I need to make my T.V. show more appealing to them and perhaps air it on a channel  that has a substantial amount of viewers, and advertise it to see how many actually would like to watch this show.

From this data I can deduce that the most popular T.V. Channel is ‘E4’. As it is famous for its “Student Friendly” listings, and most of its programmes challenge everyday encounters, I feel that this would be a suitable channel to air my T.V. show.

I asked this question to see how the majority of the group would feel about what route the storylines they wish the characters would take. Most of them would gain pleasure from the characters suffering within the show. This tells me that the storylines must be confrontational and either/or explicit to the audience.

This tells me that the audience would want to see comedy. So having to intertwine that with other genres will be a task in itself, but if it’s what the viewers want, it has to be done.

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