Wednesday 30 January 2013

Findings from Focus Group Questions!

The focus group questions I asked, were to see what the members of the focus group viewed specific details of my script. For example the first question, “What are your thoughts and feelings about the character of Jamie?” I had mixed reviews such as someone felt he was “a naïve character, a bit thick”, contrasted with an answer like," I felt he was a character who felt guilty about something and that his consequences may take over his personal life.” This is a delighting review even though they may not be positive. It just shows that a character I created appeals to a wide audience and can be perceived in different ways. I’ll try to add different elements to Jamie’s character during writing the next draft of the script such as, maybe a catchphrase or some different character traits, to give the character some depth.
I have also had some negative response about the narrative itself, a couple said there was a “lack of action”, so I think less work needs to be focused on the actual narrative, and more confrontational scenes, and to add more aspects of conflict should see some of the readers/viewers pleased and feel that they would want to continue watching.
Another comment that was made is that there should be more clarification within the script so that the audience knows where the story may be going, and that they can anticipate certain parts of the story. But if I include these I feel it may be an exercise in futility as if you know what’s going to happen, how can you enjoy it? I have decided to make the story lines tie together at the end of the series to it compels the audience to continue watching the whole programme. It will be like a parallel universe for some people for 1 hour per week, and I feel it will be a story some people can really sink in to. 

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