Friday 4 January 2013

I chose a focus group of four randomly selected people to give a copy of the second draught of my T.V. Drama script to, and asked them a few questions on what they saw.

What are your views on the character of Jamie?
- i thought that Jamie was someone who felt guilty, and the consequences may affect his personal life
- he seems like the average male im how he handles the situation
- a bit thick, and a bit naive
- dont really know, just a bit of a guy that's all

What do you like about the script?
- reckon its alright, needs explaining a bit more though
- needs work but lt could turn out decent
- something needs to happen, a bit boring
- seems like its building up to something, but it should happen soon

What do you not like?
- its lack of detail, work on explaining a bit more so the audience can understand it
- not much, need to do something with it though, like a new character or something
- it hasn't got much to be based on, the main focus should be the football club
- lack of action, needs more action

What do you think will happen next?
- i reckon the Jamie guy will end up slipping up and it'll all come out
- someone will die or something
- a teammate will help Jamie and Alex will be okay
- the manager will get involved soon

What else should be included?
- a bit more humour
- something that can grip the audience
- a climax of some sort
- manager to have more of an input

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