Monday 11 February 2013

how i met your mother - DVD Analysis

The genre of this text is again a 'Sitcom', with the cast of the series all sharing a bed, with only three of the characters giving a direct mode of address to the viewer in the shot, showing the the other two males who are not, seem to be looking towards the male who is, showing an expression of mockery and mischeif, reinforcing the genre of the text.

the target audience of this text appears to be a family entertainment programme, given that in the cover photo, there is a happy couple on the left of the bed, panning across to the centre, there is a male sat with a cellular phone to his ear with a 'cheeky grin', drawing in the young and modern cultured viewers as well as the dramatic melancholy prevalent in the face of the character at the right side of the bed, appealing to a parental or older audience with the use of drama and an intriguing storyline.

on the spine of the cover, at the bottom, we see the season title "The awesome Season 4", using widely used youth related idioms to again draw in the teenage-20's age of audience. The image that surrounds the season title, is a diagram that holds an indexical link to the setting of the text. There is a model of the 'Empire State Building', which is famous for being a landmark in New York City. This is a substantial addition to the cover as it contextualises the series and allows the reader to bring their own connotations of the context that has just been set.

At the top of the back cover there is a sequence of portait shots of the characters, divided by ratio of gender on either side of the obvious lead protagonist in the text. This allows the reader to become familiar with the cast before watching the episodes. Again there is an indexical link to New York City at the bottom of the cover, mirroring the one on the spine, but it is a wider scale view of the towering buildings. there is also a model of the famous 'World Trade Centre' towards the left of the cover, even though they were knocked down before the DVD was made. Although it is still there to reinforce the context of the text, and again allows the reader to be assured about where the setting is.

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